Dark Energies and their effect on the planet October/November

November 11, 2007

I have been noticing that many people, including myself, have been having a rougher time than usual for the past three weeks,  The past couple of days have actually been almost unbearable for me.  I never get headaches, and I suffered from a heaviness and achiness in the head that wouldn’t quit.  Normally I can clear whatever is going on and restore a sense of well-being.  This one had me stumped.  I felt like I was barely hanging in there.  In fact, I realized later that I had unconsciously created “nine other dimensions” in which I was hanging out, in order to avoid the pain of being “here.”

I lay in my bed last night pondering the deepest cause of what was going on.  I had been clearing myself from all negative programming that had surfaced during this period, but it felt like there was a deeper cause underneath it all.  As I looked “intuitively”, I saw the planet being “strangled by dark energies”.  “Dark energy has a stranglehold on the earth,” I heard.  I wondered what it was from. “All the telecommunication devices,” popped into my head.  That made sense.  I knew dark energies had been “riding the frequencies” of all the telecommunication devices:  cell phone, satellite TV, satellite radio, the internet, etc., but apparently, it had become so widespread that it formed a huge network of darkness that seemed to be “suffocating” everyone on the planet.

Many people are not aware of such energy, as they live life primarily as third dimensional beings.  When you believe that the physical universe is “all that is real,” then there would be no place for a conversation like this.  However, we are more than just physical beings.  We are spiritual, energetic beings at our core, and it’s important to understand that a lot happens to us energetically, even if we are not consciously aware of this.

I had been aware of “dark energies riding the frequencies” for a long time now.  I can feel such negative energy often when I surf the web, and when I feel new kinds of negativity, I do upgrades to the Personal Rejuvenizer, to help protect people from those energies.  I have intuitively measured the “level of Light” of people who wear blue-tooth cell phone devices over their ear (right next to their brain!), and invariably, they are “in the dark.”  I have never seen a person wearing one of those things on their head that has been able to maintain their Light and connection to their Higher spiritual self (unless they have a Personal or Cell Phone Rejuvenizer). 

Since dark energies ride the frequencies, they fill a person with darkness as he or she utilizes the frequency-based device.  When the cell phone is connected to the head 24/7 (or even for hours at a time), the dark energies fill the person and “nail” their Light, bringing them into the dark.  To understand what this means, being in the dark means being in an energetic state that invites in all kinds of negative energies, which stay with you and make you irritable, unhappy, depressed, sarcastic, skeptical, and disconnected from your intuition and spiritual nature.

I asked my “Higher Ups” if we could channel Light through the telecommunication networks in order to stop the spread of darkness and help re-connect people  spiritually.  I was told, “Yes.”  This work is being done now, which is a wonderful thing.  I was really concerned about the growing darkness on the planet, but didn’t know that I could help in this way.

Then, I started looking at what else was causing me to feel so bad, with so much pain in my head.  The answer I got was very interesting: “Something dark has a hold of the spiritual body surrounding the planet.”  That made perfect sense.  Being very in tune with myself at the spiritual level, no wonder it was extremely painful to “be in a body”.  That body, collectively, was being threatened spiritually, and darkness had (temporarily) taken over our spiritual awareness and Light.  OUCH!!!  In addition, I was told that a number of dark energies had merged with the core of the planet.

When I am given such information, I am also given the ability to intervene and rectify the situation.  I asked my “Higher Ups” for help to undo all that had happened to us.  Within minutes, my headache and pains started subsiding.  What a relief!!

Since it took me three weeks to figure this out, I knew that it had been important for me to go through this, in order to clear a lot of old stuff that had surfaced during that time.  In fact, I had felt like I was “clearing my butt off” during the whole three weeks… like I couldn’t stop “shoveling” the stuff out, there was so many layers of stuff that kept coming up.  I then did some research to find out how other people were handling all this.  Here is what I found:

— During this period, about 50% of all people have been aware that “something was wrong,” although they couldn’t put their finger on what it was.

—  Here are 5 things you may have noticed in the past 3 weeks as a result of the things done to the spiritual body of the planet

1.  Increased level of deep irritability or agitation. 
2.  Feeling quick to anger. 
3.  Hard-heartedness, that is, a lack of love and compassion. 
4.  Not feeling grounded, feeling spacey, not present, having a difficult time being here. 
5.  Feeling kind of paranoid, not feeling safe

— Question:  Did the people who were more attuned with their spiritual nature have a more intense reaction to the experience? 
Answer:  Yes, since these people are more aware of their inner spiritual Light.  Although everyone on the planet was affected, those who are more connected spiritually suffered more, because they were aware, at a deep level, that their Light was being drained from them.

Here are negative subconscious programs that got triggered for many of us during this period (that are still active and need clearing): 

    I can’t be in the Light being that I am here.

    This place is too dark for me.

    This place doesn’t support me being who I am.

    I’m stuck.  I’m trapped here. I can’t be free.

These beliefs are often many lifetimes old, so ultimately, this 3 week period has been an intense, but incredible “growth opportunity,” since so much old “stuff” was triggered, demanding major clearing.

Q: How many people cut themselves off from what they were feeling, in order to not deal with the intensity of what was going on?  
A:  70-80%.

Q: How did they do this?  
A:  They unconsciously disconnected themselves from their spiritual body, so they wouldn’t feel what was going on in the collective spiritual body.

Q: To what degree was this related to people pulling in dark energies from telecommunications networks (as the fundamental cause for dark energies to get a hold of the entire planet’s spiritual body and merge with its core)? 
A:  50%

Q: :  What were the other causal factors? 
A:  Primarily the massive amounts of curse energy that were “downloaded” onto the planet 3 weeks ago, to prevent people from being connected to themselves spiritually.  This caused many people to unconsciously disconnect from their spiritual body.  As a result, many people are feeling lost spiritually.  People who were very connected to their spiritual Self took a pounding, suffering physically, mentally, and emotionally.  About 30% of the people had actual physical pains manifest as a result of all this.

Bottom-line, I’m reporting to you what I experienced and discovered. This isn’t about creating fear about being victims of the dark, this is about a call to rise to greater heights of spiritual awareness.  We are all here to learn and grow, and such experiences are teachers, to help us get stronger and learn to overcome all obstacles on our path of spiritual unfoldment.  “Going third-dimensional” (that is, becoming less aware of ourselves at an energetic level) isn’t the solution. It’s important to rise to a higher spiritual understanding and clear any inner blocks to doing so.

Major growth is upon us all.  The call is to rise to a Higher level of Light and overcome the darkness within us and around us.  There is always a choice to be made and inner work to be done.  Now you know, at a deeper level, what is going on.  I stay committed to supporting myself and all those I work with, along with everyone else on the planet, in becoming all that we can be, as spiritual beings of Love and Light.


Phyllis Light