December 01, 2015

I used to get major pains in my head twenty years ago, from the overhead satellite, microwave, TV, and radio frequencies broadcast throughout the air. Once I created my Rejuvenizer technology, all pains subsided. And that was BEFORE cell phones, HD TVs, WiFi, GPS, and G4 (WiMax) networks. For many years now, I've been shaking my head, wondering, "How are people making it these days, being barraged by so many frequencies 24/7?" (about "300,000 a minute" to date) I truly can't imagine.

So, for the past twenty years, I have worked diligently to upgrade my Rejuvenizers, to protect people from all the new frequencies that are continually being introduced into our world. When I first learned of the new "full-body scanners" at airports, I made sure to upgrade my Rejuvenizers to protect from the negative frequencies that hit unsuspecting travelers en route to their respective destinations. Truth be known, I also did my best to avoid walking through them.

It felt humiliating to me to go "spread eagle" against the wall as if I were getting frisked, and of course, the idea that the person in charge was looking through my clothing wasn't a real draw for me either! I always chose to go through the "other security line" as much as possible.

On a recent trip to Salt Lake City , the TSA agent forced me to enter the latest security scanner, the Pro Vision ATD. I was bummed, but again, had no other choice. Whenever something like that happens, I figure there is a "Higher" purpose going on.

This scanner was different, apparently a new version of this unbelievably invasive technology. You walk into the "booth", hold your hands over your head (again, as if you were being frisked), and the walls close around you. Then, this disruptive energy passes through your entire body.

Being the sensitive soul that I am, I had to fight back my tears as I left the booth to pick up my belongings. It felt like I had been very damaged! So, I tuned in and asked, "On a scale of 0 - 10, if 10 = "this energy is killing my etheric body" (that's what it felt like!), I got that the energy emanating from the scanner was at a 7.3. I asked how long it would take for me to fix my etheric body... I got: "20 minutes" (which meant that a lot had gotten damaged and couldn't be repaired "right away.")

Here's the sad part: I asked, "How long will it take for any person who doesn't have a Rejuvenizer to heal their etheric body, once they exit from the 'scanning booths'?" I got: "Because of the unbelievable amount of frequencies barraging us every minute, the etheric body will never have a chance to repair itself. It can only take this "death-inducing hit' and get weaker with time!"

The etheric body—the subtle energy surrounding the physical body—is the blueprint for the physical. Whatever happens to us at the etheric (energetic) level, will, in turn, manifest physically. This is how life works. We manifest first from the subtle realms and then into the physical. Our thoughts create our reality. The energy in our consciousness forms our thoughts, which then translate to our physical world. There is no way to by-pass or circumvent this process!

When our etheric body sustains damage, our physical body suffers as well. It is unavoidable. As our energy field gets weaker, we are more susceptible to: Immune system disorders (allergies, colds, cancer, etc), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, headaches, eye strain, candida, fibromyalgia, M.S., Parkinson's, and Alzheimers. My heart goes out to all of you who love to travel (who don't own a Personal Rejuvenizer), as prolonged exposure to the security devices will only shorten the time and energy you have available to enjoy your trips.

A Deeper Look

As many of you know, my expertise in "Telepathic Healing" includes the ability to "tune in," ask questions, and get valid answers. I've perfected this skill over the past 38 years of intensive research and personal growth work. I decided to ask more about the effects of the new airport security devices. Here is the information I received:

Question: "How many exposures to those frequencies could create an actual death of the physical body?"

Answer: Depending on the health of the person and how weakened a condition they are already in, as little as 90 trips through the new body scanning devices could result in actual death. Think about people who would be most susceptible: Pilots, flight attendants, business people who travel frequently for work, people who love to travel, people who live in a foreign country and travel home frequently to see their family, or anyone who flies frequently. (As of this date, one of my clients who is an airlines pilot, told me that they aren't yet making pilots and flight attendants pass through this new scanner.)

Q: "Can the scanner exacerbate any life-threatening illnesses?"

A: Yes, as little as 18 trips through the new body scanner can exacerbate a number of conditions, such as:
  • epilepsy/seizures
  • asthma (or any kind of lung disease)
  • migraine headaches
  • Parkinson's
  • Nausea
  • Fainting spells

People with heart problems are particularly vulnerable to the new frequencies and as little as 28 exposures could result in atrial fibrillation, angina, or an actual heart attack. The idea that certain kinds of energies affect the subtle bodies and subsequently the physical body, is new information for most people, so skepticism is understandable. Remember, the use of lead paint was widely accepted, until it proved to be toxic years later. And the same was true for asbestos. One day, it will become known how detrimental the frequencies in our high-tech world are. I've been shouting this from the rooftops for the past twenty years, but it seems to take time for people to hear.

For now, I am doing my best to help keep you and your energy field as intact and healthy as possible, via my Rejuvenizers. There does seem to be a growing awareness of the potential dangers of cell phones and other electromagnetic fields. I can only pray that people find out about my work, to help them in their quest for greater well-being. I continue to upgrade my Rejuvenizers to cover all detrimental effects from the new scanners at airports, as well as from any other new "technological advancements" that get implemented in our world.